What is Girls Max?
The Camp Al Haderech MAX Program is a one of a kind experience! It is the sleepaway experience while being home for the weekend.
Each week the campers travel from early Monday morning to late Thursday, stopping at different sites and eventually reaching their destination. After traveling for four full days, they get to rest up on Friday, Shabbos and Sunday so they have energy for the following week’s adventure. Girls typically come from Queens, Long Island, Teaneck, Monsey and the surrounding areas, but we’ve also had campers from Israel, Chicago, and Florida! Campers come to a central pick up location in Queens, NY and Teaneck, NJ on Monday morning and are dropped at the same location on Thursday night.
While away, the girls get to see new places and try out new activities. Boating, hiking, sports, trampoline parks, ropes courses, amusement parks and just appreciating the beautiful world around them are just a small example of what we accomplish. Our days continue well into the evening and include either a night activity, an amazing camp game, a night swim, or something else to keep the campers busy until they are ready for bed.
Each day starts with Shacharis. Our staff learns with the campers throughout the week. Sometimes we learn on the bus or in the park before a meal. At other times we take in the world around us and share amazing lessons about Hashem’s wondrous world.
Camp provides three meals a day, and includes all the attractions, overnight transportation, t-shirts, and so much more.
What does a standard overnight look like? Nothing is standard! We try our best to be flexible so when the weather or traffic changes, so can our schedule!
Looking forward to an awesome Al Haderech Adventure for Summer 2025!